Summer Job Student 모집 공고

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Summer Job Student 모집 공고 | Job opening for Summer Job Student

2021-04-27@8:00 오전-2021-05-31@11:30 오후

근무형태: 온라인

근무기간: 6월 7일 – 7월 30일 (8주간)

근무시간: 주 35시간

급여: 시급 $14.25

인원: 4명


  • 법률정보책자 번역(영어 => 한글)
  • 유튜브 정보 영상 제작(법률정보, 정신건강)


  • be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment
  • have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for the duration of the employment
  • have a valid Social Insurance Number at the start of employment and be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations


신청방법: 한글/영문 이력서 및 자기 소개서 제출

  [email protected]

신청기한: 2021년 5월 31일 자정


2021-04-27@8:00 오전
2021-05-31@11:30 오후
